Jennifer Gianni
Jennifer has over 20 years of experience in the mind/body field. She began her formal Pilates training in Los Angeles at Performing Arts Physical Therapy under the direction of Melinda Bryan (certified and ordained by 1st generation Pilates Master Romana Kryzanowska). Jennifer’s training during these years included workshops, testing and continuing education seminars with Romana Kryzanowska as well as other Classical Pilates greats like Siri Darma, Jillian Hessel and Jay Grimes. Jennifer taught with Jay Grimes at PAPT for 2 years and took over his clientele when he left which was a very high honor for such a young teacher.... Read MoreWorkshops by Jennifer Gianni

Jennifer Gianni
Refresher Program | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Animal Body Create a Class: The Fish | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Healing Diastasis | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Course Prep Program | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Apprentice Program

Jennifer Gianni
Pilates Vibrational Movement Therapy | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Fusion Pre & Post Natal DVDs | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Apprentice Program | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Pre & Post Natal Protocol on the Equipment

Jennifer Gianni
Animal Body Create a Class Series | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Pre & Post Natal Protocol on the Equipment

Jennifer Gianni
Pre & Post Natal Protocol on the Equipment

Jennifer Gianni
Pregnancy Fascial Health | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Whole System Fix: Post Natal Essentials | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Hip & Knee Replacement | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Animal Body Create a Class: The Insect | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Pilates, EDS, and Pregnancy | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Fascial Tensioning/Lengthening in Pregnancy | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
Pilates Hand Mechanics | #site_title

Jennifer Gianni
" Loved the workshop! I’m a big Jennifer fan! Already done 5 of them "
Payal D (Whole System Fix : Post Natal Essentials)
" Loved the deep psoas lengthening exercise. Thanks for letting us know about the regular psoas stretch placing too much pressure on the anterior hip socket. "
Terry P (Hip )
" I thoroughly enjoyed this workshop! I have so many clients who suffer from this and have been given so much misinformation regarding the subject! Hearing that the ultimate goal does NOT necessarily mean closing the gap will be so helpful for my mamas! "
Vanessa U (Healing Diastasis)
" Thank you for this workshop and all the exercises that can safely be done with hip/knee replacement clients. It helped me to be more comfortable and confident in working with them and reinforced the importance of the quality of their movements. "
Oksana P (Hip )
" This was very informative and helpful. My daughter has EDS, so I greatly appreciate all the different approaches to helping her be able to move her body to try to alleviate and prevent pain. I would highly recommend it to anyone working with, or who has a loved one with EDS. "
Teresa N (Pilates, EDS, and Pregnancy)
" This workshop was extremely informative and provided a good, overall approach to assisting clients during pregnancy. "
Melaura S (Pregnancy Fascial Health: Cadillac, Chair )
" Thank you for covering EDS. Very helpful and interesting. "
Tamara P (Pilates, EDS, and Pregnancy)
" Hello Jennifer and Fusion Pilates, Thank you for such detailed Course and more holistic approach to add on benefits of Pilates movements and exercises.Practicing as physiotherapist and incorporating a lot of pilates work into my session, I am very keen to hear something new. Performing pilates movements with vibrational therapy at the same time is amazing, as I use a lot of vibrational movement in my fascial manual work! Clear instructions, well presented learning material... "
Dragana O (Pilates Vibrational Movement Therapy)
" A well researched workshop that’s a must watch. You’ll walk away with the knowledge to really help support your clients journey to recovery. Thank you! "
Zoe F (Healing Diastasis)
" Such a lovely compilation of safe Pilates moments for our clients coming in pre and post surgery. Thank you! "
Zoe F (Hip )
" Loved the step-by-step approach of focusing on one core muscle at a time starting with breathing and developing awareness to deeper exercises. Super helpful! "
Stephanie S (Whole System Fix : Post Natal Essentials)
" I appreciated understanding the purpose of each exercise and how it pertains to the specifics of pregnant clients. I am currently 24 weeks pregnant, so this training is very applicable. "
Stephanie S (Fascial Tensioning )
" Thank you for this very detailed and useful workshop on core training - it has lent more details and understanding to my knowledge of the core, and the part about psoas major and multifidus awareness is new material to me. Am grateful for this workshop! "
Angie S (Whole System Fix : Post Natal Essentials)
" Wonderful imageryVery creative ideasIt is very specific to the client It just wets my appetite for wanting more understanding of how to work with DRA clients Thank you. "
Amy S (Healing Diastasis)
" Great imagery cues. Explanations are really clear and it was very helpful to see an actual client with diastasis work through the movements and exercises. "
Christine K (Healing Diastasis)
" This workshop was very informative and helpful. It was very creative and smart. I learned a lot of new information especially concerning the lines alba and not focusing my attention so much on closing the rectus halves. I appreciate Jennifer\'s attention to detail and descriptive cueing. "
Felice K (Healing Diastasis)
" Excellent workshop. Enjoyed the spirals and the side bodywork- areas that are often underused. Loved the fascial focus, undulations, and dives and spring like motions. Incited the body into fluid movement- a true orchestration of mind and body. Challenging plank variations to end. FUN! "
Catherine Moye (Animal Body Create a Class: The Fish )
" Great course. Enjoyed it more this time as it was my second animal workshop. Lots of fun things to add to my current classes! "
Erik R (Animal Body Create a Class: The Insect )
" Thank you for putting this course together, it was nice to see a DA course that didn\'t focus on \"fixing\" the gap, but rather synchronizing the pieces. I myself an 15 months postpartum and wish I would have taken this months ago :) Lots to play with!! "
Allison C (Healing Diastasis)
" Wonderful workshop. I found the pop-up graphics very helpful - allowed me to pause the workshop and take descriptive notes. Jeniffer\'s explanation of the why behind her cues and the various use of props was very knowledgable.I look forward to taking more workshops with Fusion Pilates! "
Victoria (Healing Diastasis)
" Really interesting with excellent cueing will put to use on an elderly client really strugggling with balance and gait post hip op "
Alison W (Hip )
" I have never taken an on-line workshop before. This was extremely comprehensive and thorough - Jennifer has a wonderful way of teaching. Look forward to incorporating these exercises into my classes. Thank you "
Jennifer L (Animal Body Create a Class: The Insect )
" Thank you to both Emily and Jennifer for so generously sharing their experiences and knowledge. Excellent information that I will use with EDS HM clients whether they are pregnant or not. "
Kathleen H (Pilates, EDS, and Pregnancy)
" Always love Jen\'s creativity and cueing. "
Amy P (Animal Body Create a Class: The Fish )
" Loved the \"catch & release\" session because it is what I primarily focus on with my clients/students when we do our myofascial release work. "
Phyllis G M (Animal Body Create a Class: The Fish )
" I am glad that I have forever access. I have enjoyed using some of these exercises in making the sessions a little different over zoom. "
Natalie W (Animal Body Create a Class: The Insect )
" I loved the workshop and especially Session 4 which was the Insect Release Class. I learned so many moves that I can use with my clients and students during myofascial release work. "
Phyllis G M (Animal Body Create a Class: The Insect )
" Great workshop Jennifer! I so needed this one to help my older clients who have had hip and/or knee replacements. May be even for me if or when I might need one. "
Suann S W (Hip )
" Very helpful and interesting course that adds another dimension to my treatment of DA. "
Wanda G (Healing Diastasis)
" Jennifer - thank you! I so appreciate your detailed verbage that is so helpful in learning this material. This workshop will certainly be inserted into my clients protocol. "
Shelly W (Hip )
" Great workshop! "
Monica H (Hip )
" Interesting explanations of the movements and strategies, some of which differ from your other workshop regarding emphasis... "
Dawnna W (Pregnancy Fascial Health: Cadillac, Chair )
" Very informative! I have two clients with upcoming knee replacement surgeries so this information is very helpful. "
Laura M (Hip )
" Thank you for this great workshop! There is so much to learn and this information will give me more confidence with DRA clients as well as deepen my understanding of the systems of our body that need to work well together and how to facilitate it. I enjoyed Jennifer's cueing and wonderful ability to explain why and how. "
Oksana P (Healing Diastasis)
" This seminar is fantastic. As an EDS patient (non-pregnant) as well as an early pilates teacher, Jen's technique, tone of voice and choice of exercises were spot on. "
Susan R (Pilates, EDS, and Pregnancy)
" I loved it! So easy to follow. Very well done. Excellent cueing!! Thank you so much.... "
kerri s (Hip )
" Really enjoyed this. I appreciate the relaxed pace, the introductory interview, and especially loved the arches to pelvic floor work on the ball in session 3. Thank you! "
Jessica D (Pilates, EDS, and Pregnancy)
" Lots to review but in the meanwhile thank you so much. An excellent Workshop with a wealth of information along with your clever cueing which makes sense of the movement and the exercises easy to follow. Of great help to my own hip issues and for a majority of my clients of a certain age in either recovering from hip surgery or trying to help prevent it from becoming a necessity! "
Fiona C (Hip )
" One of my favorite workshops I have ever taken. I really appreciate her pacing and delivery of the information. I have EDS and I am glad the information is making it more people. "
Mary S (Pilates, EDS, and Pregnancy)
" This workshop was very well organized and contained tons of valuable techniques for working with the postpartum population affected by DRA. Jennifer does a great job explaining the concepts. "
Kelly M (Healing Diastasis)
" Loved it! Feel great! "
Samantha C (Animal Body Create a Class: The Fish )
" This was a solid course. It’s so important to break up our daily movement patterns and infuse the body with a new movement sequences which this course certainly achieved. Anticipating sharing with clients! "
Samantha C (Animal Body Create a Class: The Insect )
" Really insightful and fully transferable... "
Claire T (Pilates Vibrational Movement Therapy)
" I loved this! I thought it was a great introduction! Really helped breakdown the exercises that I am already using in my normal practice and how to tweak or position these for the pregnant client! "
Mary (Fusion Pre and Post Natal Protocol for Reformer)
" I appreciate the clear and gentle instruction. Jennifer is clearly passionate about helping others. "
Samantha C (Hip )
" Looking forward to taking these creative movement options into my next mat class. "
Katherine D (Animal Body Create a Class: The Fish )
" What an incredible course!!! Thank you so much. Can't wait to put it into practise! "
Mrs M (Healing Diastasis)
" Loved this workshop! The material and handout were easy to follow, and I look forward to using it with my clients "
Carol I (Hip )
" Excellent workshop!!! My pen didn't stop taking notes the entire time. This is actually my first time learning about Release & Move techniques...I'm really encouraged to learn more. Thank You! "
Adrienne P (Release )
" Loved this workshop. Very helpful as I have several clients with hip and/or knee replacements. Thank you, Jen! "
Caitlin H (Hip )
" Great exercises and beautiful cueing. Thanks Jennifer. "
Lisa J (Fusion Pre and Post Natal Protocol for Chair and Cadillac)
" Jennifer is a beautiful, knowledgeable teacher and I learned a lot from this. Thank you. "
Lisa J (Fusion Pre and Post Natal Protocol for Reformer)
" Great! "
Juliana T (Pregnancy Fascial Health: Cadillac, Chair )
" Great ideas! "
Juliana T (Fascial Tensioning )
" Another excellent workshop by Jennifer. Thank you! "
Dagmar R (Hip )
" Always learn so much from Jennifer. THANKS! "
Dagmar R (Whole System Fix : Post Natal Essentials)
" Great use of imagery cueing... "
Jennifer M (Fascial Tensioning )
" Very informative video with good cues to use with our own clients. Helpful with the PDF of pictures of the exercises. Excited to use with my clients. "
Marna W (Hip )
" Valuable and gentle movements that can also be used with other populations "
Kristina T (Fascial Tensioning )
" It was very interesting to learn how important release work is when it comes to healing diastasis. Eye opening. "
Tiffany H (Healing Diastasis)
" What a positive and playful spin on traditional mat work! Jennifer and her students are beaming with joy and the benefits of this challenging practice. "
Amy B (Animal Body Create a Class: The Fish )
" I love Pilates, Yoga and myofascial release. This is a great combination of all three! "
Amy B (Animal Body Create a Class: The Insect )
" I really enjoyed this course. Jennifer does a great job explaining what to do without making it too complicated. I would definitely take more courses from her. "
jackie G (Hip )
" Really great course! Thanks "
JoAnna L (Healing Diastasis)
" Loved this class! So very creative , especially using the props at the end to open up the fascial body "
MICHELE R (Animal Body Create a Class: The Fish )
" I liked that the workshop was filmed using a real client and watching it unfold in real-time. "
Yolanda N (Healing Diastasis)
" she is amazing and so detailed! "
Natalie J (Whole System Fix : Post Natal Essentials)
" With this workshop I could experience and practice a deeper core activation. I appreciate the suggestions to create “the floor†for each position, to have the clients executing the exercise with more ease and comfort. Thanks! "
Margherita M (Whole System Fix : Post Natal Essentials)
" Thanks, Jennifer! Super fascinating take on DRA. I learned a lot and look forward to implementing some of your techniques with my clients. "
Karen Henderson H (Healing Diastasis)
" Loved the variations to each exercise. "
Patti P (Animal Body Create a Class: The Fish )
" Great Class. Very thorough in the instruction. Takes time to describe each exercise. I especially liked the modification on the stool. "
Patti P (Animal Body Create a Class: The Insect )
" It is very creative thinking making abdominal force ( in-> out) by sling.And Also squat with sit sling is very good proprioceptive stimulation toward upside. Thank you "
ko eun l (Pregnancy Fascial Health: Cadillac, Chair )
" Very helpful to see many of the reformer exercises in the manual performed by a pregnant client. The modifications and propping are particularly helpful. Thanks! "
Parker S (Fusion Pre and Post Natal Protocol for Reformer)
" Jennifer is very passionate about teaching and does a great job of explaining why she is having her client do the exercises she wants. This is also very informative for doing a lot of different exercises that don\'t require being supine. "
Clare D (Pregnancy Fascial Health: Cadillac, Chair )
" Thank you for information that helped me see my pregnant client through new eyes. The spinal motions with emphasis on expansion through dynamic stability will be a wonderful addition to my tool bag. "
Pamela K (Fascial Tensioning )
" Hi there, That was really great workshop Thanks for deep information! "
Sue t (Fusion Pre and Post Natal Protocol for Chair and Cadillac)
" Being Ron Fletcher certified, I loved the similarity, yet very un-classicalapproach to some familiar and unfamiliar movements. A great challenge and helpful tool for use! "
Jackie R (Animal Body Create a Class: The Insect )
" Really useful workshop for a better comprehension of the hand mechanic and a deeper comprehension of how the whole body is interconnected. Also really inspiring for work with elder clients who are losing movements on their hands. Thanks Jennifer "
Margherita M (Pilates Hand Mechanics )
" Very articulate delivery of the information. "
michele W (Release )
" Great class and thanks for sharing this detailed information with me. "
Samira D (Pregnancy Fascial Health: Cadillac, Chair )
" Really enjoyed the visualizations of this workshop to help cue the body to work appropriately in the exercises. "
Alana K (Animal Body Create a Class: The Fish )
" Excellent course- thank you for all of the excellent information! The videos were great and the pop-ups super helpful! "
Mischa D (Healing Diastasis)
" Thank you for giving such great ideas for propping. That was very helpful. "
Amy P (Fusion Pre and Post Natal Protocol for Reformer)
" This was great information and helped as a follow up to the live course. Thanks Jen. "
Amy P (Fusion Pre and Post Natal Protocol for Chair and Cadillac)
" Wish I could take this training live, such good information! "
Nicole S (Whole System Fix : Post Natal Essentials)
" Excellent workshop and nice cueing... "
Sue t (Fusion Pre and Post Natal Protocol for Reformer)