Category Archives: Focus on FAQs

  • The Pilates Show! – The Skinny: Pilates for Weight Loss?

    Click the Alerts icon above for an email reminder when a new episode posts! SHOW NOTES: Have a question you’d like to see addressed? Have a comment? We want to hear from you – POST BELOW! Comment below, on Facebook, Twitter, or at the Forum! Interested in more in depth workshops? Check out our online […]…

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  • Great Ab Series for Homework

    If clients really want to change and reorganize, they have to get the message that hard, focused work must be done. Part of this is doing homework between sessions on a daily basis. Many clients ask for an effective Ab series they can do at home to improve their ability for thoracic flexion. Giving them […]…

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  • The Pilates Show! – Your Inner Ninja and Wall Bouncing

    In this episode, Jen is going to get all Ninja on your ass – and will answer a question about pre-tensioning of the fascia! SHOW NOTES: Find other posts about Fascial Fitness HERE. See the Preparatory Counter Movement and Elastic Recoil Post HERE. Check out these online workshops on Fascia HERE. Add your thoughts about […]…

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  • The Pilates Show! – Hanging Out with the Shoulder Girdle

    In this episode, Casey is going to deal with Shoulder Girdle and will answer a question about men and the pelvic floor. SHOW NOTES: Find other posts about Anatomy HERE. Check out Lesley Powell’s Scapula Revolution workshop HERE. Add your thoughts about Margherita’s question at the FORUM! You can find some of the props used […]…

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  • Help! My Clients Always Cramp in Bridge!

    Clients who cramp usually have a variety of reasons why this is a problem in movement. It can be anything from nutritional deficiencies to medication side effects. But it also comes from starting to innervate and move an area of the body that isn’t used to being called on. When repatterning the body to move […]…

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  • Why Does the Classical Repertoire Start with the 100s?

    The Hundred exercise is the perfect blend of the breath work in conjunction with spinal flexion, abdominal strength, and shoulder girdle movement. Now these movement principles need to be warmed up to and honed separately before they can be put together within one exercise. So although in theory The Hundred is the perfect kick start […]…

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  • How to Get Men to Participate in Pilates

    We get this question on a daily basis. At our studio, we have a number of male clients who walk through our doors looking from anything from back pain relief to a better golf swing. The key to getting into the minds of the male clients is to always connect the exercises to real life […]…

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  • Pilates and Rotation, Part 2: Classical Exercise Challenge

    When rotating our torsos, most of us find that we must retract the shoulders and/or shift our hips in order to turn our bodies. Moving in this way prevents us from accessing the many joints in our spine. Each vertebra has one joint on each side. There are seven cervical vertebrae (twelve thoracic and five […]…

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  • Pilates and Rotation, Part 1

    What Pilates is: Many think of Pilates as consisting mostly of abdominal work that involves lots of flexion of the spine. This is a misconception. Pilates is much broader in its reach than just the rounding of the back needed for abdominal curls. The spine must be guided through flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation […]…

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