Erin Myers
Erin Myers is the founder of Spiral Spine Scoliosis Resources, a company designed to enrich the lives of others with scoliosis. She is also a Balanced Body Master Instructor and owner Spiral Spine Pilates Studio in Nashville, TN, allowing her to actively pursue her passion of helping those with scoliosis through the practice of Pilates. Erin’s teaching philosophy is simple: enrich people’s lives through anatomically correct movement. Her unrelenting mission to find the root cause of movement dysfunction combined with a light-hearted and accessible teaching style draws in devoted clients of all ages. Erin began her career as professional dancer... Read MoreWorkshops by Erin Myers

Erin Myers
Initial Scoliosis Lesson | #site_title

Erin Myers
Analyzing Scoliosis | #site_title

Erin Myers
Scoliosis Spinal Fusion | #site_title

Erin Myers
Scoliosis for Kids | #site_title

Erin Myers
" Extremely useful info, thank you "
MARTHA R (Initial Scoliosis Lesson)
" Super helpful! Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge. "
Julie Y (Scoliosis Spinal Fusion )
" Great information that can easily be used with my scoli clients. In the past I was afraid to do both sides as I was taught differently. I\'m looking forward to trying both sides now and to see how it feels for my clients. "
Anita C (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" WOW, this course was AMAZING. Erin was so wonderful and full of knowledge. I found the PDF super helpful too. Thanks! "
Amy G (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" This was a wonderful workshop ! "
Jane C (Initial Scoliosis Lesson)
" I loved the workshop such great information and well presented. It was beneficial to me the see two different clients with different levels of fusion. "
Anita C (Scoliosis Spinal Fusion )
" Great workshop. Especially like the positivity in managing a condition that can have such negative words "
Anne O (Scoliosis Spinal Fusion )
" Excellent information and resource for those of us that have scoliosis, teach pilates and that have children with scoliosis. Thank you so much for your continued research and education, it is greatly appreciated. "
Paula C (Initial Scoliosis Lesson)
" This was one of the best workshops I have ever taken. The practical aspect that you bring to serving this community is so helpful. I was feeling lost as to how to proceed with my spinal fusion client. Now I feel confident about how to teach her. "
Jennifer C (Scoliosis Spinal Fusion )
" Excellent program! Detailed and very useful with ALL clients! "
Gail H (Initial Scoliosis Lesson)
" I found this immensely helpful to assess people for leg length differences and modify Pilates programs for them. "
Alfred B (Scoliosis Leg Length)
" Loved this workshop! So many awesome exercises for my scoliosis “toolbox” "
MEAGHAN N (Scoliosis Leg Length)
" Loved it! Great information, with lots of ideas for teaching a class with scoliosis and fusion clients. Thank you! "
Jessica S (Scoliosis Leg Length)
" As a Pilates teacher and someone with \"mild\" scoliosis, I found this workshop really informative. I look forward to using these tools, both on myself, and with my clients. Thanks so much! "
Jessica S (Initial Scoliosis Lesson)
" I enjoyed Erin\'s session with Melissa "
Alexandra W (Scoliosis Leg Length)
" Really interesting workshop. I am working now with a 10 years old girl with prader willi syndrome and scoliosis. This really helped me to be creative and also encourage me that I was in the right direction. "
Emilie N (Scoliosis for Kids)
" Another amazing workshop that arms you with the knowledge to confidently support clients and keep them safe and strong through Pilates. "
Zoe F (Scoliosis Spinal Fusion )
" Fantastic content , I love the way the workshops progress. Thank you Erin. "
Alia A (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" Erin\'s positivity and passion to help people with scoliosis is inspiring. This was helpful in preparing me for how to handle that first session and planning out the next few sessions. In past at times I\'ve felt unsure exactly where to begin or how to organize a really cohesive session for scoliosis. "
Mary P (Initial Scoliosis Lesson)
" Great exercise ideas. It really helps to see how you interact with your client. Thank you for the summary and reminder at the end, to empower our clients and get them to own their bodies- young or old! "
Christine K (Scoliosis for Kids)
" Very helpful in understanding how to work with a client who has spinal fusion. I loved that they shared their stories as well and the journey you\'ve taken together. "
Barbara P (Scoliosis Spinal Fusion )
" I have found this workshop inspiring and original! "
Giovanna G (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" I\'ve been teaching clients with varying degrees of Scoliosis for many years, and it\'s fantastic to have additional tools. Erin\'s creative approach is inspiring. "
Ilana K (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" Very informative, every Pilates instructor should do this course!! "
Susannah A (Scoliosis Spinal Fusion )
" A really lovely workshop. I feel hopeful to help my daughter more with her Scoliosis and will definitely take on board managing my own feelings. Thank you. "
Clair C (Scoliosis for Kids)
" Excellent workshop. Erin presents and explains everything so I’m able to understand how to proceed. Love all the tools. "
Susan F (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" Really like how you put Scoliosis into such easy to understand format. I am looking forward to using these tools to teach my clients! "
Gem (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" Excellent learning tools "
Susannah A (Scoliosis for Kids)
" Regardless of your background Erin has such a beautiful and simple way of making complex concepts accessible to every one. Loved this course so much. "
Ximena C (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" I enjoyed this course very much! I am an scoli fusion person.... received a Herrington rod at age 14 in 1976. Your teaching is dynamic and relatable. I think that you are the first person that I have met that truly understands 'what it feels like' and understands the mobility issues we face. I will be seeking out further learning through you!Thank you! "
Sandra J (Scoliosis Spinal Fusion )
" This was such an eye opener for me. Thanks for sharing your knowledge in such a motivational and inspiring way. I also have a few scoliosis clients and will now be able to stretch and de-rotate them in a more confident manner. Love, love, love this. "
Celeste Lange (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" Great course! Erin's teaching is clear and motivational! I'm excited to use the "tools" with my scoliosis client! "
Nannette (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" A lot of information packed into Analyzing Scoliosis! Erin did a great job tackling this little known and difficult subject area. I feel I will need to watch this video a few more times to get a better understanding. Very enlightening and valuable material for the Pilates teacher. "
Michele W (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" This was a great workshop. It helped scoliosis not seem so intimidating. "
Lauren edwards (Scoliosis for Kids)
" Great information and thoughtful, accessible exercises for young clients but also for teenagers with recent scoli diagnosis. The scoli exercises are not intimidating or time consuming. "
Linda Z (Scoliosis for Kids)
" Great content! This course has been very helpful with my very first spinal fusion client. I will definitely rewatch the content periodically. "
Jessica A (Scoliosis Spinal Fusion )
" Thank you so much for sharing all of your hard-earned knowledge and down-to-earth way of presenting it! I spent over 6 hours watching, stopping, writing, getting on equipment and trying things out. The gifts you have given me are forever in my toolbox. I can't wait to play with these concepts more, more and more! Well done! :) "
Laura D (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" Great job on explaining the unraveling of scoliosis! As a scoliosis client myself, it was very helpful in not only accessing others but gave me a deeper understanding of my own twists and turns... "
Julie B (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" Loved Erin and the way she presented! "
Tracy M (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" Thanks for these nice tips. I have been working with scoliotic patients for many years but there is always something new to learn about it. This was great. thanks! "
joelle s (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" Great workshop! I definitely have more confidence working with my clientele. "
Amy S (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" Great information Erin. I am a Physical Therapist and appreciate so much what Pilates can do for all types of bodies. What a great way to analyze the body in front of you and give both client and teacher feed back instantly on how Pilates can help and change dysfunctions. Thank you and you are fun and passionate. "
Shawn M (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" good information. easy to follow. would love some other in-depth courses on scoliosis and more exercises to use. "
karin H (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" Great info for me as a pilates teacher but even more important for me as someone with scoliosis :) Thank you Erin for making this info accessible. "
mary p (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" I loved the workshop and deepened my understanding of scoliosis. Erin last personality is so enjoyable to learn from as well... "
kristy m (Analyzing Scoliosis)
" This workshop is amazing - I feel much more confident working with clients with a spinal fusion - Erin's explanations and exercises helped to clarify what I was already intuitively thinking, but really felt out of my league in terms of how to progress a client. THANK YOU :) "
Amy (Scoliosis Spinal Fusion )