Claudia Moose, ATC, CSCS, NASM-PES, NCPT, has 30+ years of experience in Sports Medicine, fitness and conditioning. Claudia earned her B.A. Movement and Exercise Science with an emphasis in Sports Medicine (Exercise Science and Athletic Training) at Chapman University and is a Balanced Body Master Instructor. Presently the owner of Claudia Moose Movement Therapy and Education, founder of Primal Movement Works! and past Co-Owner of Absolute Center.
In addition to Claudia’s certifications and education she has studied several manual therapies including myofascial release, joint mobilization, muscle energy, positional release, active release, and acupressure. Her exercise studies include functional movement training, Olympic lifting, power lifting, integrated movement, rehabilitative and post-rehabilitative exercise, corrective exercise, plyometrics, sports specific training, Pilates method and yoga.
Claudia’s desire is to have a fundamental effect on the overall health of her clients. She wants to make sure that each encounter brings new awareness and knowledge about how her clients currently move and how to improve that movement and therefore their comfort and physical strength. Claudia’s goal is to build strong, flexible and resiliently functional clients.
" Great class and especially appreciated the reminders/instruction that good posture helps with digestion and decreasing reflux. "
Wanda G (Head-Neck Control)
" Many great options for strengthening the neck, thank you! "
Marideth S (Head-Neck Control)
" Great workshop! Love Claudia\'s details about the importance of eccentric strength through pecs and more. "
Susan H (Head-Neck Control)
" Claudia was fantastic, will look seek more of her subjects. Model was also very good. "
anna a (Head-Neck Control)
" Loved it!!!! Thank you "
Kelly H (Head-Neck Control)
" Great topic and tips. Really gets you to look at the whole body when considering issues with head and neck. "
Tracy M (Head-Neck Control)
" Thank you. It is clear and concise information, yet pleasantly simple while bringing in the bigger picture (whole body). "
Lisa C I (Head-Neck Control)
" I appreciated the reminder of the importance of cueing clients to effectively work eccentrically to lengthen and strengthen short muscle groups. Also, the holistic approach was helpful, incorporating common postural strategies and mental states that could also be effecting neck health. "
Daniella T (Head-Neck Control)
" Good information with lots of ideas. "
Thomas L (Head-Neck Control)
" I thought this was an excellent Continuing Education. I wish she woulddo another starting with the feet and making the assessment necessaryto make the changes in the head and neck - I would recommend this CE "
Kathie S (Head-Neck Control)
" This workshop gave great information on the relation of head-neck control to whole body connection. It gave a deeper understanding of how good H/N control will help improve our motor control "
Stacey G (Head-Neck Control)
" Such a thorough examination of the head neck and upper girdle. I can apply these concepts to every one of my clients, in a variety of way.Your instruction is concise, thorough and very inspiring! "
Gail H (Head-Neck Control)
" Excellent class...I learned so much! Thank you! "
Deborah S (Head-Neck Control)
" Claudia’s explanations and exercises helped me understand how significant head-neck control is to the entire body. Excellent workshop. "
Kathleen H (Head-Neck Control)
" Great course! Nice way to look at the head and neck! "
Megan M (Head-Neck Control)
" Love the nice and clear explanations and lot of reminders about the importance of all those small muscles. "
Lee D (Head-Neck Control)