Category Archives: All About Articulation

  • Reformer Bridge

    Free and fluid articulation of the spine should be a top-of-the-list goal for every client. Many traditional and contemporary Pilates exercises ask for a fluid flow from extension into flexion and vice versa. Can you tell where your client is stuck? Which part of the spine doesn’t like to move? Are they having trouble moving […]…

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  • Mat Bridge

    Bridging is a very common exercise in group mat classes and on the equipment. Clients have a hard time establishing anchors and being able to fluidly move through the spine. Great chunks of the spine will usually be skipped over by most people while doing Bridge. Learn some valuable cueing and propping techniques so that […]…

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  • Spine Stretch on the Cadillac

    Spine Stretch on the Cadillac can be done in a number of different, creative ways. Many ways are available to modify this exercise, from propping the sitz bones on a blanket to bending the knees to shortening the range of motion. Our end goal is to always find easier and more fluid articulation between the […]…

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  • Spinal Strength & Mobility

    None of us want to move like a robot. We all strive to be graceful in our movement. But many of us find ourselves becoming extremely rigid as an outcome of the work we do in the gym. On the other end of the spectrum are those of us who are too flexible in the […]…

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  • Spine Stretch on the Chair

    Spine stretch is a wonderful exercise that can be executed in so many different ways in the Pilates studio. The chair is a great place to work for your more advanced clients. But by adding a simple prop into the exercise, this spinal articulation can be achieved by a more beginner-level client. This is a […]…

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  • Spine Stretch in the Reformer Well

    This has to be one of our favorite ways to teach the segmental articulation of the spine! Not only is this an incredibly supported posture to work in, but it just feels so wonderful. From the gentle pull of the springs to the contrast that it creates, it allows the clients to slow down and […]…

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  • Mat Spine Stretch with Thoracic Spine Focus

    Spine Stretch is a classical exercise that requires flexibility, range of motion, and differentiation to perform with ease and proficiency. When done correctly, it should not only induce a beautiful thoracic spine articulation, but it should give a wonderful stretch to the spinal fascia and musculature. Just like most of Pilates repertoire, the devil is […]…

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  • Session 15

    Your Assignment: Things to Focus On 1.) Go back to what you know from your earlier sessions on release work. Sometimes you have to find some opening and expansion in the body before a neutral pelvis and spine become achievable. 2.) Bring the floor to your client. Sometimes the client needs a little contrast to […]…

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