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  1. ginger

    Fantastic! This will make our legs very happy!!,

  2. Lori678

    All of the info on release work on this site has made a tremendous difference in my life. I am a Pilates “practitioner” with rheumatoid arthritis. In the past year using information on this site (neck and shoulder release has been especially helpful to me), I have regained a lot of movement/mobility that I had lost. My Pilates practice has progressed and I am at the point where I have trouble sleeping if I don’t do release work each night. So I just want to thank you for all of the help you have given me. A year ago, I had never heard of release work, and I can’t believe the difference it has made and how it has helped me to be more mobile and in a lot less pain, which in turn, has allowed me to progress in Pilates.

  3. Casey

    Hi ladies!

    Lori! Your comment brings tears to my eyes! I am so thankful for you, and what you are freeing up in your body! And it is as simple as a tennis ball??? Bonus! Have you checked out my Practical a Release workshop? There are hours of fun in there!

    Hey Ginger! Keep those fibulas flowing girl!

    Much love,
    Casey Marie

  4. Margherita_637

    Your release work is always great! The way you teach help me to visualize what happens in the bones, in the muscles, in the whole body… Thanks to share…
    Talking about release props, what do you think about blackrolls?

  5. Casey

    Hi Margherita!

    So happy you are enjoying the “why” behind the work! I have not tried a blackroll myself, but I just looked them up. They look great! Anything that gets people rolling, and creates that biomechanical strain that is necessary rehydrate the tissue is all good in my book! Keep up the good work!

    Much Love,
    Casey Marie