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Angelo G
On: December 19, 2011 12:50 PM
• Be respectful. Feel free to disagree, but always respect other members of our community. • ALL CAPS and excessive use of emoticons and should be avoided. • Please use our forum search to see if your question or comment is already being discussed here. Once you've gone through the related threads - you may find a better place to post your questions or comment. • Pilates/Fitness discussions only. • If you see spam on the board, ignore it. Do not respond to a spammer! A moderator or administrator will remove the spam message (as well as spammer) from the board. • Do not spam! This board is not the place to promote your products or services. Do's Be courteous to all members at all times. This is a PG rated forum. No language please! Welcome newcomers. This isn't the place to discuss politics, religion or philosophy. Be descriptive in the subject lines of your new topics and try to stay on topic as you post. It's better to be specifically descriptive instead of using a subject like, "Help!". Dont's No swearing or foul language and no inappropriate topics. Remember this is a community board. No Flaming (verbally attacking people or groups of people - e.g. a profession, an organization, a company.) No Trolling (posting to provoke others, luring them to flame or rant). No teasing, mocking, ridiculing, or otherwise making fun at other member's expense. No derogatory remarks on the basis of race, culture, religion, politics, or sexual orientation - or anything else for that matter. No Spam. Spamming is posting the same thing several times. No posting overly personal information like your phone number, address, age (especially if you are a minor) or any other personal info you don't want the whole world to see. No advertising or marketing of your studio, products or services If a topic is closed or removed do not, under any circumstances, re-post the same topic or material. General Items: It is at our sole discretion to moderate and refuse or remove any users or content from the site. Posting on the FusionFitnessOnline Forum makes the comment, images, or ideas "public domain." If you decide to leave the forum, Fusion will not be required to remove your posts. The opinions expressed on the forum are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the FusionFitnessOnline website and/or the administrators and moderators. By reading or posting in the FusionFitnessOnline Forum you agree to read, understand, and follow the following policy: In general, you agree not to post any material that is illegal, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, harassing, threatening, invasive of another person's privacy, or a violation of copyright. You agree that the administrators and moderators of this site have the right to remove, edit, move or lock any material on the site, at any time for any reason. However, it is impossible for said administrators and moderators to review all material for objectionable content. Therefore you acknowledge that such material expresses the views and opinions of the author only, and the administrators and moderators will not be held liable. You also agree that by posting on this site, whether it be written information or graphic material, you grant FusionFitnessOnline a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, non-revocable license to use and change said material for the purposes of running FusionFitnessOnline. Please be advised that any statements that we believe may contain slander or libel will be edited or deleted at the discretion of the moderation team in order to avoid legal liability. Please ensure than any negative statements made contain solid evidence and documentation or they will be removed.
jill S
On: November 11, 2023 04:25 AM
Agreed, Thank you.
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