Early Access to The Changing Landscape of Total Hip Replacements by Arlene Bass for Forever Members!


New Online Pilates Workshop!


Join Arlene Bass as she walks you through the Changing Landscape of Total Hip Replacements. At the time of the recording, Arlene was just a few weeks out from her own hip replacement surgery, and her first-hand knowledge of the procedure is invaluable. You’ll learn about different approaches to hip replacements, why surgeons decide on the approach that they do, and what the best practice for recovery looks like for each.

This workshop provides tons of post-hip-replacement-safe exercises and their progressions, so you can be sure to keep your client moving no matter where they are in their recovery. Even if your clients don’t have hip replacements, this workshop provides multiple ways to keep the hips healthy, stabilized, and mobile. Featuring reformer, tower/cadillac, and mat exercise options, you’re sure to finish this workshop feeling ready to help lead your clients to healthy hips.



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