Strengthening & Stretching the Inner Thighs with the Magic Circle


One of Joseph Pilates’ many inventions was the Magic Circle. The first Magic Circle is said to have been made from the ring on a keg. This isn’t hard to believe, because Pilates was also known for his love of ale.

Because the Magic Circle is small, light, and portable, it has become very popular in the fitness world. It gives you a very challenging full body workout practically anywhere and is fairly inexpensive. The cost of a Circle ranges between twenty and seventy dollars. The Magic Circle is usually made of flexible metal or rubber, about 13 inches in diameter, and has small pads on each side.

Many think that to be getting the full benefit they must focus all their effort on bending the Circle as much as they can. This is a mistake because it throws off the alignment and the joint mechanics. The circle is meant to provide gentle to moderate resistance in an exercise. It also is meant to give the body feedback for where it is in space and what muscles are being activated. The Magic Circle can be used for total body strengthening. In future articles we will tackle the Circle with other parts of the body. Here we are using the Circle to strengthen and stretch our Adductors.

Here’s How

• Sit on a stool.
• The hips should line up with the knees and the feet should be flat on the floor hip distance apart.
• Place the Circle between the legs right above the knee.
• The spine and pelvis should stay still with the eyes at the horizon as you move through the legs.
• Inhale and squeeze the Circle.
• Exhale and slowly release.
• Start slow and once you know you can keep your alignment you can make the presses a bit faster.
• Do 12 to 16 reps.

• Lie on your back on a mat.
• Place your feet on the floor and hip distance apart.
• Place the Circle between the inner thighs right above the knee.
• Keep the eyes to the ceiling and the spine and pelvis still; move only through the legs.
• Inhale and squeeze in on the Circle.
• Exhale and release.
• Start slow and once you know you can keep your alignment you can make the presses a bit faster.
• Do 12 to 16 presses.

• Lie on your back on the mat.
• Point your eyes to the ceiling.
• Place your feet flat on the floor hip distance apart.
• Keep the left knee bent and the left foot flat on the floor.
• Straighten the right leg so the foot is pointing to the ceiling.
• Bring one end of the Circle onto the ball of the right foot and hold onto the bottom end of the Circle with the right hand.
• Place the left hand onto the floor.
• Exhale and allow the left bent knee and right long leg to open to the sides.
• Do this gently and slowly.
• Keep pulling the Circle into you as the leg goes out to the side.
• Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds.
• Gently bring both legs back to the center and change sides.

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  1. Suzanne Pride131

    Good cuing!!
    Thank you
    Will share with others

  2. Tessa_995

    When doing the above stretch I tell students to put their other hand on the opposite hip bone for feedback to ensure they don’t take their pelvis with the leg movement. Also for the movement of the leg medially when they really like to roll the hips. Then I add in the rotation.

  3. JenniferGianni

    Hi Tessa,

    Hope you are well. I totally agree with the details you mentioned. That will give them a precise and targeted opening and sensation.

  4. JenniferGianni

    Hi Suzanne,

    Thank you so much for your support. Let us know how some of the cues work with your clients.


  5. Suzanne Pride131

    Thank you for your great tutorials and good information. 95% of what I see posted as fitness is WRONG. So much misguided suggestions

  6. JenniferGianni

    Hi Suzanne,
    I hear you sister. I feel like we have such a creative and open minded community on our site. Lots of good stuff bubbles up.