The exercise shown on this video is an essential skill that your clients need to perfect before they move on to any of the exercises that require an ab curl. This movement makes all the difference in the world when it comes to spinal alignment and core activation. Most people’s neck flexors are lax and underused. With so many people seated all day in front of a computer or in a car, it is no wonder that the front of the neck needs some reeducation. With the skill-building work that the head float provides, you will help your clients ease the tension that is so often hoarded at the occiput, as well as make exercises like the ab curl easier to manage.

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  1. Melissa

    Love the hands on the sternum cue. I also cue keeping the front and back of the cervical spine the same length through the process of the cervical flexion, and maintaining distance between chin n chest as chest starts to lift.